They're horrible salespeople because they aren't genuine. They have to follow the groupthink presentations provided by the borg. You might notice that there are a few really good conversationalists in the congregation who can manage to spend a half hour or more at just about any door whether the people are interested or not, but they're rare.
Mad Sweeney
JoinedPosts by Mad Sweeney
Are Jw's good sales people?
by highdose ini remember once asking a poineer of my aquintence "if it was you on the doorstep would your presentation make you want to listen further?
" she honestly repiled "no".
and i think that most of the jw's i ever worked on the fs with, none of them had good or interesting presentations.
Accidentally Got an Email from a JW. . .
by leavingwt ina few minutes ago, a former jw friend of mine (ex-bethelite) sent me a bulk email.
this happened once before, a few months back, i just deleted it, but found it curious that he hadn't removed all "known apostates" from his address book.. .
this time, i couldn't let it pass.
Mad Sweeney
I find the "Are you back?" question insulting. I'd ignore it. You can respond with how great life is and tell him about some of the great things you're doing (normal activities like a normal person) and enjoying. If it were me, I'd respond rather than ignore.
Awake! A simple way to show the flip-flopping....
by Quillsky inthis was the stated purpose of awake!
before the generation-change of 1995..... why awake!
Mad Sweeney
They can't be trusted at all. We know this. But the rank and file dub has been programmed to view flip flops as "light getting brighter" and so the actual doctrinal changes usually have no effect on them.
However, this doesn't make bringing out flip-flops useless. They DO work on a percentage of dubs, of whatever size, and that is valuable.
More importantly, IMO, the language the borg uses is always about controlling the rank and file dubs. Always. And if you can use a past flip-flop to demonstrate the mass effect of mind-control on the group members, you can sometimes get through to them.
For example, a family member of mine was absolutely shocked to learn that the borg used to support blood transfusions and only instituted the ban to further isolate the members from society, solidifying borg control.
Marie Osmond's son commits suicide
by rebel8 inobviously many non-cultists suicide too....but i just wonder when this happens in religions that restrict medical care.... (anti-depressants="drugs") sad..
los angeles marie osmond's 18-year-old son committed suicide friday night, according to the los angeles times.
michael blosil reportedly died after jumping from a downtown los angeles apartment.
Mad Sweeney
Boner from Growing Pains killed himself a week or so ago, too. He was the son of Walter Koenig (best known for playing Alfred Bester on Babylon 5 and Pavel Chekov on Star Trek).
Suicide is always sad, no matter who it is.
My Dad died
by aquagirl inmy dad,an elder for 25plus years,concentration camp survivor,the works,died in a few weeks ago.i am df'd but have been the only one who helps him and my jw sister couldnt give a rats ass about them.i was at my mom and dads house after he died,helping my mom with everyting,hell,id been there for 2 months because i was afraid to leave them alone.i knew my dad wasnt feeling well.guess he was worse than i realized.he died.the witnesses came in droves.small sitting at the table.they not only didnt speak to me,but they didnt even acknowledge that i was in the room,about day 3,i stopped answering the "lady" called.sister carol.when i answered the phone she hesitated and said",now you know,i caint tawk to yew"{strong southern accent.ala elie may clampett}"you orta let cher mawma ainser the phone.
"i told her to bite me and hung up on her...same here,when we got back home.i hate these people with the fury of a thousand suns,but for some reason,i am now in possession of some great elders notes.been laying low,but im going to start posting the juicy stuff.just cause itd be nice for calvin to know that he was seen "dancing recklessly" at a wedding and that sister renee was being councied for her weight and still insisted on gaining more.also that sister e wasnt giving her husband his "due"..{yik}and that certain concetration camp survivors were being coerced into saying that they were jw's at the time of incarceration.but one dad refused to play their game,and as a result he was asked to step down as an elder at age of 80.that and that he refused to shun me.his notes have been very enlightening..nice folks thise jw's,no?
they were so mean to my dad, he really believed this crap,and tried to do the right thing.but because he wouldnt dance their way,and turn me,his favorite person{and he was mine|into the cold they treated him badly and mocked him and even his accent.i hate them.really.any ideas?the local elder here,just asked my mom about her financial situation...grrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Mad Sweeney
Sorry you and your mom lost your dad. Thoughts and prayers are with you.
What would occur when Christ was Crowned King?
by wannabe inwhat would occur when christ was crowned king?.
on page 147 paragraph 16 of the publication, "you can live forever in paradise on earth," book - published by the governing body of the watchtower society, we find this statement made by them: "bible evidence shows that in the year 1914 c.e.
god's time arrived for christ to return and begin ruling.
Mad Sweeney
Wannabe, the Dub interpretation of Revelation is that it isn't chronological (except for where it is), so that context means nothing. Every new paragraph can be a completely different scene unrelated to what came before. We already know this is a wrong way to read the Bible or any piece of literature.
As for your analysis of the topic, as usual it is too long for a board post; most won't read the whole thing. Have you considered starting your own blog?
April 15th WT/ Generation - MORE Points/ Mind Control by WT Society
by flipper inwe all chewed on this article pretty well when the news first came out about the " overlapping anointed " concept , however we discussed so much on just those 2 paragraphs dealing with the new " generation " theory - that almost the rest of the article was overlooked .
our lurking inactive jw friend on the board sent us a copy of the april 15th.
i think you folks may find this interesting.. on pg.
Mad Sweeney
That "unfolding purpose" comment goes against the oft-stated concept that "Jehovah has set a specific date and He won't be late" they've peddled for decades.
Overlapping generation, unfolding purpose...there is no doubt they're trying to extend the time in Dubs minds, probably to counter the psychology of 2014 and the clear discouragement infecting the rank and file.
You shouldn't find that funny.
by HintOfLime ini've tried to generally let go of my jw childhood - ultimately they are a sad people, governed by sad old men, following the poor advice of long-dead and even sadder men, congragating in sad pithy buildings.
tonight however, i've been reminded of something.. growing up as a jw, i ended up seeing several movies in theaters with other witnesses - sometimes just with my friends, but often enough in larger groups that included the more... indoctrinated... variety.
it seemed to me, that whenever the group included more than my immediate friends, there was almost always that one person that managed to find something offensive about every movie.
Mad Sweeney
Or how about the initial group discussion about which movie to see? My god, the self-righteousness.
Why is there a need for Ministry School presentations?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inwe were told that the preaching work was lead and guided by ''angels'' and the holy spirit.. if that is so,why the need for magazine presentations week after week?
why is a half hour spent showing each member what to say and how to respond to certain questions?
why practice presentations when the angels and holy spirit are there to help?.
Mad Sweeney
I'm scaring my self
by JeffT ini am finalizing the manuscript of my novel (if i don't get a taker soon i'm going to self-publish this summer).
it concerns the inside workings of an apocalyptic cult.
i'm playing a lot with language and the meaning of words, and one of the features (what i'm working on now) is some short explanatory material culled from the publications of my made up religion.. what is frigthening in how easy it is to gin up some words about any given subject and make it say anything i want it to.
Mad Sweeney
Reading your own stuff is hard. You see what you meant rather than what's there. And personally, I didn't mean to imply by my post that I think you need a proofreader based on your posts here. Anyone who writes needs one (not just you specifically, Jeff) and I've been told by friends and colleagues that I'm pretty good at it. So no offense intended. Just let me know if you want my help.